Saturday, August 25, 2007

Nature's Miracle

even (and especially) the small, genetically confused ruling class dog in this house - Otto - has no boundaries. note that this product nancy just used to compensate for his latest crap in her studio is just for cats. maybe that's why it doesn't deter the dog from using the entire house but especially her office and the heating vents in the dining room as his toilet. nancy thinks that commericialism leads to the marketing of products that are specifically targeted to particular needs as a capitalist manipulation to create that need...for that product. the fact that nancy even uses the word "capitalist" betrays the stupid decade during which her brain/hard drive was formed.

as pointed out (she thinks) in previous entries but it bears repeating: Slim Fast is the same exact product as Ensure. just read the ingredients next time you're in Rite Aid, like she did. one is marketed for losing weight, one is marketed for gaining or maintaining weight. there ya go. proof of the pudding. she figures it's the same deal with Nature's Miracle.
here's nancy cleaning up just before making English Breakfast Meets California (chicken/mango bangers, potatoes, baked beans, bisquits and....avocado) for the kids as they ask nancy if Bubbie and Zaida ever cheated on each other.


d3borah said...

I didn't check your blog for a day or two (it seemed"joint custody" had been up for weeks) and all of a sudden there are all these new posts!

Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

I'm posting to see if posting is possible from kiddo. it didn't work last time, so why should it work now.
How's that for the power of positive thinking!!