Wednesday, October 24, 2007

hair brush fires

downward turn
when hair is wild and won't lie flat and takes sharp turns on the left side of the head then does a U-ie in another spot and is smooth as silk in the front and like curly wirey pubes on the crown, when hair does what it naturally does without Product (hair antidepressants?) when it goes up instead of down like smooth heavy weighty asian hair..when it's light and brittle and curly and inconsistent and frizzy from the Ukraine and defies gravity, the hair goes up.....and the mood goes down. nancy's absolutely positive she would've had a much less negative life if they'd had hair irons and better product in the 70s to keep her hair down and her mood up in her formative teenage years.

nancy remembers when her daughter was 7yo and suffered from "hair bumps." the hair was going up (the little parts that don't stay smooth in the ponytail) and the mood went down. every morning. tears and anxiety over this. to the point that nancy sometimes lied and acted like she was fixing it when she wasn't. nancy noticed that this worked just as well - inverse correllations. consoling (lying) words come out, stress goes away. hair to mood. hair goes up, mood goes down, warm words come out, anxiety goes away. can't change gravity. bumps stay where they are. same with nancy's son. when he can't press a goofy piece of 15yo baby fine hair down, when the hair stubbornly stays up, his mood goes down. nancy suggests a baseball cap for him (cover up the stress). baseball cap down on the head, mood goes up.

really tough day 'round the homestead for lots of reasons not the least of which might be the unhealthy air alerts caused by destructive brush fires haphazardly doing their wild up and down damage through southern california mountains and valleys. fires the shade of nancy's shirt. fires as wild and moody and unmanageable as nancy's hair.

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