Friday, September 5, 2008

Cuntry First: Election Gothic revisited

just a quick layout....

there are very few women to whom i'd assign this ugly epithet.
but Barracuda Barbie has broken that glass ceiling for me. and btw, the word Epithet is defined as:
3. a word, phrase, or expression used invectively as a term of abuse or contempt, to express hostility, etc. and yes, i admit, i feel hostile. that's exactly the word. and where does hostility come from? FEAR. i'm truly fearful about Sarah Palin and John McCain. i fear stupidity. i fear lack of substance. i fear lies and misrepresentation.
i fear the Republican party who desperately desires to cosmetically try to turn this election into American Idol. and mostly i fear the disillusionment i feel when i hear people i know say things like: Well it was a good speech.

huh????? is this a Speech competition? is this Cottillion???

visual disclaimer: this is obviously just a quick photoshop layout...pretty shoddy. i need to see if i can even tolerate painting this...and to give credit where credit is due, it was conceived while speaking to one of my highest spiritual advisors Ms. Malicious Benson, one of my team mates in life and blogging who suggested i "update" my previous Election Gothic piece rather than just wallow in depression over this situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about you finish it, and then sell prints, donating proceeds to.. maybe some political campaign? I'l donate $100 for a print of this.

Love Ya!