Wednesday, September 12, 2007

L'Shana Tovah

This is Nancy's mother Polly (aka Bubbie) looking up a chicken's ass on erev Rosh Hashonah. Today the chicken is wearing much less fat after Bubbie carved it away and put it in that little pile you see next to her. she collects the fat to make Shmaltz for Zaida to shmear on his bread in Orange County next week. This is a Jewish version of robbing Peter to pay Paul. You prepare, roast and serve your holiday guests a nice nutritionally correct chicken without the extra fat with the secret plan to smuggle it back into Orange County to enjoy on a piece of toast, or worse yet (according to Bubbie) to cannibalistically but deliciously scramble eggs in it. here's the next victim....
and this is Bubbie kissing Nancy while she photographs it. Nancy's father still feels that Polly lavishes too much unconditional love and praise on Nancy. It makes him jealous. He prefers conditional love- with chicken fat.
Today both featured chickens are wearing nothing, not even their heads, just a few raw onions up their featherless butts. Nancy is wearing a striped turquoise and green crew neck tee from the Gap with cut off "Long and Lean" jeans (like the chicken after Bubbie got to it) also from the Gap. Bubbie wears a brown tee shirt "outfit" - that means the same pattern top and bottom - loose top, elastic waist. note that older folks like to dress the same way babies do, in onesies and with matching stretchy tee-shirt, jersey, velour or terry cloth material, top and bottom. it's comfortable and easy to eat or poop in, which is of course how we come in the world and how we go out, with a little cooking in between. Bubbie wears a yellow fake diamond around her neck though she assures Nancy that Zaida has indeed given her some that are real. Bubbie gets a little defensive when Nancy asks her where it's from, so Nancy doesn't push it. Zirc is gonna take over diamonds real soon anyway. Finally Bubbie wears white bobbie sox with beaded white moccasin loafers that she sent away for from a catalog called Blair which Nancy has never heard of. Nancy, as usual, wears her dressy silver rubber flip flops from Madewell.
Speaking of making things well, Nancy better get back to the kitchen - she knows Bubbie's the best maker of chicken but Nancy's job is to keep down the salmonella hazard as the master goes along....

L'shana Tovah!

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