Monday, April 28, 2008


more time saving miracles for all you busy parents: as pictured here, if you need to leave a message for a friend, simultaneously call their landline and cell from YOUR landline and cell and voila: leave ONE message. yes, this takes four electronic devices which is emblematic of our wasteful society, but it's the start of eliminating wasteful digitalizations of our voices. the best one i ever got btw was when my darling friend told me in detail on my home phone of her vaginitis and which antibiotics were working best and she went on for about ten minutes then sent warm wishes to the kids and said: "well you're not there, so i'll leave you a message on your cell" at which point she left the same medical disertation of her vaginitis there to which i lovingly in turn left HER a message that perhaps vaginitis requires only ONE voicemail if that. no need in the future to leave it on two. she's my college roomate and we can say anything to each other so she said...uh yeah i guess you're right.
one more tip: if you have to do traffic school as i do, here's a web-based trick for that. sign up for it's quite informative. i scanned the first chapter in ten minutes and tried do the quiz (because i was too lazy to read everything in detail) and the prompt gave me a cute "speeding ticket" for jamming through the info too quickly. they require a minimum of 30 minutes for each quiz. so last week, i launched the quiz then watched the primary returns from Pennsylvania then came back to take the quiz till i passed which took just a few minutes. today i got even trickier and lazier. i figured out (experimented a la my phone discovery above) with launching several windows of quizzes simultaneously to see if they'd give me a "ticket" for that but they haven't (so far) i'm able to study for the last three half hours in one 30 minute period and listen to Dixie Chicks as i post this time saving advice!!

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