Friday, May 2, 2008

disclaimer, dog breath and obama

here's the daily Orbit: the disclaimer is that does not, in fact, allow you to launch multiple windows of tests simultaneously as i hoped (and experimented with). they turned out to be more clever than i thought. you actually have to read through each test/category which was quite worthwhile i might add. so my high jinks were foiled and i'm grateful for it. i learned a lot about blood alcohol percentages and much common sense advice (always good to be reminded) about driving defensively and yielding to idiots on the road even if you have the right of way. it's much the same advice i got going through my divorce and it has served me well. and it's much the same stance Obama is smartly taking on the gas tax ploy this week. short fixes are short fixes and distract from deeper more positive and substantive trends..but we'll get to that later.

regarding dog breath, Otto ate this entire package of chewing gum. i'm sure he didn't spend much time chewing it but i will be giving him a little smooch in a few minutes to see if it had any positive effect on his breath. or perhaps i can check the backyard later to see if it manifested out the other end. yuk yuk. probably there will be no aromatic consequences, just more paper and plastic to recycle.

regarding the tough week Obama had...i personally feel heartened. here's what i think is happening. when you're gonna disappoint someone (Hillary) she's NOT going to get the nomination, it's clear...then you want them to end on a high note,
where they can save face and graciously step down. if Hillary does a little better in Tuesday's primaries but not well enough to win both or certainly win the insurmountable delegate vote, then at least she looks like the feisty fighter she is, like she gave it her best shot, and Obama the Gentleman (and he really is) gets to look like Oh well, I won....but thanks for the good fight. now let's let the votes and the math decide the decision.

in other words, i know there have been times when it's been thought: Hey Obama, tell Rev Wright to put a sock in it and show Hillary who's the man. but in fact - and this is what i truly admire about the guy - he's taken the high road. Rev Wright has a right to say whatever he wants (and frankly his talk to the NAACP was absolutely wonderful.....I didn't see the Bill Moyer interview and I don't want to....the spin on this thing is like a witch hunt, boys are dying in Iraq as we distract ourselves with this bullshit. and the war is EXPENSIVE to boot.).....

anyway...i'm saying i learn from the way Obama has carried himself through his recent stupid PR troubles. he's got dignity and smarts. he keeps his eye on the prize, the prize being a more enlighted direction for this country. and i'd say he's even deliberately demonstrating respect for Hillary Clinton who's super delegates are embarrassingly deserting her and who I predict finally has an out to Step Down because Obama refused to get too too nasty with her. Maybe i'll be wrong. but that's my Orbit (or elliptical path) of reasoning for the day. beats the dog breath of the Republican party if you ask me.....with all due respect to dog breath which can be very sweet in its context of love and loyalty. and much of this recent nonsense of exploiting Rev Wright has everything to do with context, and understanding it a little better.

Americans who don't understand that need a breath mint or a stick of Orbit.

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