Saturday, June 9, 2007

sleeping in sparkles

if you're having trouble falling asleep after you weaned yourself off the subclinical dose of Lexapro, try sequins and washed cotton. this is what nancy did thanks to the lovely hand me down Sparkle Shrug she recieved in a Neiman Marcus trashbag from leslie this weekend. many things in the bag are intended for Maddy but Nancy frequently highjacks some of the best stuff first.
the tee shirt material is very light weight, you hardly know you're wearing it and it happily draws lots of attention to your breasts. wear it over a muted brown tee and it appears even more tossed on, like it's not a big deal that you're wearing sparkles on your tits. the palette is earthy, muted. it's a mixing of metaphors. it's Vegas with Earthtones. you can pull this off.
then..fall asleep in it, in your daughters hot pink casbah bedroom as she reads the latest entry from Fiske's Guide to Colleges 2007. in fact, read about Tulane and wicked New Orleans since you both just got back from the sparkly jazzy city. it'll feel like a sweet bed time story as you drift off hearing about survival post-Katrina, the lure of the South, and the lovely oak trees surrounding the quad..........
have a good night's sleep in your sparkle shirt and black cords from the Gap. and don't feel bad that you highjacked the little shrug from maddy--she didn't want it anyway as she currently doesn't need anything to attract more attention to her breasts. they're doing just fine without added sparkles.
after a good night's sleep in maddy's bed with her and her delicious curvy pillow of a body, wake up, walk down the hallway and say good morning to your son. when he looks at you and says nothing other than: Nice Hair...go to your iMac, launch Photobooth and see why he said that. don't move a hair, don't get vain and self conscious, just immediately shoot a photo.
note that your hair does look pretty funny.
also note that there's a self portrait in the background of this shot--from yet another day when you painted yourself in a sparkly hippy shirt. even before coffee, this feels like a movie within a movie or a potential Dutch painting within a painting or maybe just a funny Frida Kahlo. (not so dark and bloody but hopefully with some of the same humble and anecdotal self examination and artifacts of daily life.)

finally and most importantly, note that your son has been inured to the fact that you regularly sleep in your clothes.
all he notices is your hair's a little goofy.

get really excited about it down, but don't get too distracted--it's time to make lunches. quickly snap another close up of the sparkles for detail like any good stylist or archeologist would. and get cracking on your day job--
steak sandwich for maddy, chinese chicken salad for jonah. when jonah whines and wants the sandwich too....just tell him you'll make him one that afternoon and he'll stop complaining and forget to ask you for it later. this works with the youngest child who has inherited your ADD and sense of adaptability. but if he's environmentally (nature vs nurture) tipped to perpetual carniverous hunger like his sister and injustice collecting like your ex, you'll have to come up with another plan or make sure you have enough leftover flank steak in the fridge to eek out one more sandwich after school.

THEN.... when the kids are happily at school in Digital Time (at 9:43 jonah notes, just 8 minutes before the second bell which rings at 9:51) return to your iPhoto post and your blog and Give Advice. let everyone know that the black cords from the Gap weren't as comfy as the pj bottoms from Old Navy. you're indeed discovering 25 years after you studied Marx and the arbitrariness/manipulation of adverstising that it's not a Capitalist plot to market pajamas and bathrobes specifically for night wear. they ARE in fact more comfortable to sleep in than soft cozy cordoroys or light weight denim or feather weight tees with sparkles. but you still stand by your discovery that Ensure, which is 300 calories of vitamin foritified chocolate milk for old people who forget to eat IS the identical product as Slimfast which is 300 calories of vitamin fortified chocolate milk for people who are too fat and should forget to eat.

SO, though you have to operate a little outside your literal comfort zone to fall asleep in your clothes and actually wear them again the next day, it is good for the environment much like re-using a box from UPS. less washing of clothes. more usages per unit.

best of all, you're a huge advocate for falling asleep in your daywear because it means you're dressed when it's time to take the kids to school. a real time saver considering your kids operate in digital time.

ok back to work. thank god for Photobooth-- the electron microscope of modern behavior. better and more accurate than a mirror because it snaps things before you have time to edit and manipulate. like having a giant candid camera in your living room, it records evidence of socio-fashion moments in their raw disinhibited state, prior to injesting that half tab of 10mg sub-clinical Lexapro which is supposed to "help" with the impulse control.
ok. really gotta go.
must draw some wine labels and make some money before my child support runs out.

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