Thursday, January 24, 2008


8am via Verizon with spilling Mochas

remote control father: are you getting them to school?
in-house mother: they're there (you idiot)
remote control father: did you feed them?
in-house mother: of course not. they have coffee.
remote control father: are they in good shape?
in-house mother: yeah she studied AP statistics with Jamie till midnight then we discussed themes from Crime & Punishment on the way to school. we talked about boundaries and guilt and how you need laws because we all wanna kill somebody.
remote control father: and him? how did he do?
in-house mother: he's in good shape-- he studied for his Dumb Level Algebra final for ten minutes for which he lost the notes later that evening, then he played me a beautiful song he composed in honor of Heath Ledger's untimely death which has made us all really sad - he pointed out a riff in the song that was an homage to the Beatles and i commented on the song's spanish guitar influences as i paid late fees on my Bestbuy Same As Cash account with money i borrowed from a line of credit -- then he finished his Dragon Ball Z anime series and caught up on a VH1 three hour special on child actors and where they are now.

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