Monday, January 7, 2008

today barack is wearing

a dark slender suit, a white shirt with no tie, dark brown leather shoes like my father wore many years ago, coffee colored skin, intelligent compassionate eyes, an authentic smile, a surplus of character he most likely was born with and the ability to use meaningful multisyllabic words.
today on Erev New Hampshire, the worst thing anyone can say about Barack Obama is that he speaks too well. and offers too much hope. to which he responded and i paraphrase: "I don't recall JFK saying 'We'd like to put a man on the moon but don't get your hopes up'"
ok. enough hope for one day. now i must go consolidate my debt...but thank you barack for giving me the audacity of hope that maybe i (and ther rest of this wounded country) will climb out of the hole this year. financially and spiritually.
(Photo credit: Maddy and Nancy @ Obama rally 4 weeks ago)

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